ReturnForm Return Form1 Label2 Tape number: tapenumber tapetitle Label1 Customer: custnumber custname ButtonOK ButtonCancel &Cancel custnumber_Change custnumber_LostFocus GetCustomerRec DBKEYED custnumber custname custrec customer, tapenumber_Change tapenumber_LostFocus GetItemRec% tapenumbero tapetitleD itemrece itemdesc caption! custname_Click lastnameU firstname thename TheFullName ButtonCancel_Clickv checkout7 ButtonOK_Click itemnumber there tapes_out UpdateCustomerRecT iNumTapes Command1_Click ButtonExit_Click DB_OKY apetitle screen MousePointer POINTER_HOURGLASS POINTER_DEFAULT Form_Click @ Form_Load custnum UpdateItemRec inout_code itemfee inout) MB_ICONEXLAMATION Lest? MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_ICONINFORMATIONElse savecustnum GetCustRec custnumber_Click returnform getcwd tapenumber_LostFocus ButtonCancel_Click ButtonOK_Click Get the tape and updatep Tape not on database Tape not out Change tape status to IN and blank custnum Get the customer again and update as quickly as possible. Should lock it, but requires more code Clear the screen for the next return Form_Load